这篇文章介绍的内容是关于微信api接口 ,有着一定的参考价值,现在分享给大家,有需要的朋友可以参考一下
1. [代码]index.php
?php include_once #39;lib.inc.php #39;; $wcObj = new WeChat( YOUKUIYUAN $wcObj- wcValid();
2. [代码]微信入口类
?php * Description of wechat * @author Administrator class WeChat extends WxApi{ public $token = //put your code here public function __construct($token = ) { parent::__construct(); $this- token = $token; public function wcCheckSignature(){ try{ if (empty($this- token)) { throw new Exception( #39;TOKEN is not defined! #39;); $signature = $_GET[ signature $timestamp = $_GET[ timestamp $nonce = $_GET[ nonce $token = $this- token; $tmpArr = array($token, $timestamp, $nonce); // use SORT_STRING rule sort($tmpArr, SORT_STRING); $tmpStr = implode( $tmpArr ); $tmpStr = sha1( $tmpStr ); if( $tmpStr == $signature ){ return true; }else{ return false; catch (Exception $e) { echo #39;Message: #39; .$e- getMessage(); public function wcValid(){ $echoStr = isset($_GET[ echostr ]) !empty($_GET[ echostr ]) ? addslashes($_GET[ echostr ]) : NULL; if(is_null($echoStr)){ $this- wcMsg(); else{ //valid signature , option if($this- wcCheckSignature()){ echo $echoStr; exit; else{ exit(); public function wcMsg(){ //get post data, May be due to the different environments $postStr = isset($GLOBALS[ HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA ]) !empty($GLOBALS[ HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA ]) ? $GLOBALS[ HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA ] : if(!empty($postStr)){ libxml_disable_entity_loader(true); $postObj = simplexml_load_string($postStr, #39;SimpleXMLElement #39;, LIBXML_NOCDATA); $this- zcLog(TRUE,$postObj); $fromUsername = $postObj- FromUserName; $toUsername = $postObj- ToUserName; $MsgType = $postObj- MsgType; if($MsgType == #39;event #39;){//执行事件相应 $Event = $postObj- Event; switch ($Event) { case #39;subscribe #39;://关注 break; case #39;unsubscribe #39;://取消关注 break; case #39;SCAN #39;://扫描 break; case #39;LOCATION #39;://地址 break; case #39;CLICK #39;://点击时间 break; case #39;VIEW #39;://跳转 break; case #39;card_pass_check #39;://卡券审核通过 break; case #39;card_not_pass_check #39;://卡券审核失败 break; case #39;user_get_card #39;://用户领取卡券 break; case #39;user_del_card #39;://用户删除卡券 break; case #39;user_view_card #39;://用户浏览会员卡 break; case #39;user_consume_card #39;://用户核销卡券 break; case #39;merchant_order #39;://微小店用户下单付款 break; default: break; else{ switch ($MsgType) { case #39;text #39;://文本格式 break; case #39;image #39;://图片格式 break; case #39;voice #39;://声音 break; case #39;video #39;://视频 break; case #39;shortvideo #39;://小视频 break; case #39;location #39;://上传地理位置 break; case #39;link #39;://链接相应 break; default: break; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $keyword = trim($postObj- Content); $time = time(); $textTpl = xml ToUserName ![CDATA[%s]] /ToUserName FromUserName ![CDATA[%s]] /FromUserName CreateTime %s /CreateTime MsgType ![CDATA[%s]] /MsgType Content ![CDATA[%s]] /Content FuncFlag 0 /FuncFlag /xml if(!empty( $keyword )){ $msgType = text $contentStr = Welcome to wechat world! $resultStr = sprintf($textTpl, $fromUsername, $toUsername, $time, $msgType, $contentStr); echo $resultStr; else{ echo Input something... //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else{ echo 暂时没有任何信息! exit; //日志LOG public function zcLog($errcode , $errmsg){ $this- returnAy = array(); $this- returnAy[ #39;errcode #39;] = $errcode; $this- returnAy[ #39;errmsg #39;] = $errmsg; $this- returnAy[ #39;errtime #39;] = date( Y-m-d H:i:s ,time()); $logfile = fopen( logfile_ .date( Ymd ,time()). .txt , a+ $txt = json_encode($this- returnAy). \n fwrite($logfile, $txt); fclose($logfile); //return $this- returnAy; }
3. [代码]微信操作类 - 更新了自定义菜单部分
?php /******************************************************** * @author Kyler You QQ:2444756311 * @link http://mp.weixin.qq.com/wiki/home/index.html * @version 2.0.1 * @uses $wxApi = new WxApi(); * @package 微信API接口 陆续会继续进行更新 ********************************************************/ class WxApi { //const appId = //const appSecret = const appId = const appSecret = //const mchid = //商户号 //const privatekey = //私钥 public $parameters = array(); public function __construct(){ /**************************************************** * 微信提交API方法,返回微信指定JSON ****************************************************/ public function wxHttpsRequest($url,$data = null){ $curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, FALSE); if (!empty($data)){ curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $output = curl_exec($curl); curl_close($curl); return $output; /**************************************************** * 微信带证书提交数据 - 微信红包使用 ****************************************************/ public function wxHttpsRequestPem($url, $vars, $second=30,$aHeader=array()){ $ch = curl_init(); //超时时间 curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_TIMEOUT,$second); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); //这里设置代理,如果有的话 //curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_PROXY, #39; #39;); //curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_PROXYPORT, 8080); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_URL,$url); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER,false); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST,false); //以下两种方式需选择一种 //第一种方法,cert 与 key 分别属于两个.pem文件 //默认格式为PEM,可以注释 curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_SSLCERTTYPE, #39;PEM #39;); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_SSLCERT,getcwd(). #39;/apiclient_cert.pem #39;); //默认格式为PEM,可以注释 curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_SSLKEYTYPE, #39;PEM #39;); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_SSLKEY,getcwd(). #39;/apiclient_key.pem #39;); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_CAINFO, #39;PEM #39;); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_CAINFO,getcwd(). #39;/rootca.pem #39;); //第二种方式,两个文件合成一个.pem文件 //curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_SSLCERT,getcwd(). #39;/all.pem #39;); if( count($aHeader) = 1 ){ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $aHeader); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,$vars); $data = curl_exec($ch); if($data){ curl_close($ch); return $data; else { $error = curl_errno($ch); echo call faild, errorCode:$error\n curl_close($ch); return false; /**************************************************** * 微信获取AccessToken 返回指定微信公众号的at信息 ****************************************************/ public function wxAccessToken($appId = NULL , $appSecret = NULL){ $appId = is_null($appId) ? self::appId : $appId; $appSecret = is_null($appSecret) ? self::appSecret : $appSecret; $data = json_decode(file_get_contents( access_token.json )); if ($data- expire_time time()) { //echo $appId,$appSecret; $url = https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/token?grant_type=client_credential appid= .$appId. secret= .$appSecret; $result = $this- wxHttpsRequest($url); //print_r($result); $jsoninfo = json_decode($result, true); $access_token = $jsoninfo[ access_token if ($access_token) { $data- expire_time = time() + 7000; $data- access_token = $access_token; $fp = fopen( access_token.json , w fwrite($fp, json_encode($data)); fclose($fp); else { $access_token = $data- access_token; return $access_token; /**************************************************** * 微信获取AccessToken 返回指定微信公众号的at信息 ****************************************************/ public function wxJsApiTicket($appId = NULL , $appSecret = NULL){ $appId = is_null($appId) ? self::appId : $appId; $appSecret = is_null($appSecret) ? self::appSecret : $appSecret; $data = json_decode(file_get_contents( jsapi_ticket.json )); if ($data- expire_time time()) { $url = https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/ticket/getticket?type=jsapi access_token= .$this- wxAccessToken(); $result = $this- wxHttpsRequest($url); $jsoninfo = json_decode($result, true); $ticket = $jsoninfo[ #39;ticket #39;]; if ($ticket) { $data- expire_time = time() + 7000; $data- jsapi_ticket = $ticket; $fp = fopen( jsapi_ticket.json , w fwrite($fp, json_encode($data)); fclose($fp); else { $ticket = $data- jsapi_ticket; return $ticket; /**************************************************** * 微信通过OPENID获取用户信息,返回数组 ****************************************************/ public function wxGetUser($openId){ $wxAccessToken = $this- wxAccessToken(); $url = https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/user/info?access_token= .$wxAccessToken. openid= .$openId. lang=zh_CN $result = $this- wxHttpsRequest($url); $jsoninfo = json_decode($result, true); return $jsoninfo; /**************************************************** * 微信生成二维码ticket ****************************************************/ public function wxQrCodeTicket($jsonData){ $wxAccessToken = $this- wxAccessToken(); $url = https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/qrcode/create?access_token= .$wxAccessToken; $result = $this- wxHttpsRequest($url,$jsonData); return $result; /**************************************************** * 微信通过ticket生成二维码 ****************************************************/ public function wxQrCode($ticket){ $url = https://mp.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/showqrcode?ticket= . urlencode($ticket); return $url; /**************************************************** * 发送自定义的模板消息 ****************************************************/ public function wxSetSend($touser, $template_id, $url, $data, $topcolor = #39;#7B68EE #39;){ $template = array( #39;touser #39; = $touser, #39;template_id #39; = $template_id, #39;url #39; = $url, #39;topcolor #39; = $topcolor, #39;data #39; = $data $jsonData = json_encode($template); $result = $this- wxSendTemplate($jsonData); return $result; /**************************************************** * 微信设置OAUTH跳转URL,返回字符串信息 - SCOPE = snsapi_base //验证时不返回确认页面,只能获取OPENID ****************************************************/ public function wxOauthBase($redirectUrl,$state = ,$appId = NULL){ $appId = is_null($appId) ? self::appId : $appId; $url = https://open.weixin.qq.com/connect/oauth2/authorize?appid= .$appId. redirect_uri= .$redirectUrl. response_type=code scope=snsapi_base state= .$state. #wechat_redirect return $url; /**************************************************** * 微信设置OAUTH跳转URL,返回字符串信息 - SCOPE = snsapi_userinfo //获取用户完整信息 ****************************************************/ public function wxOauthUserinfo($redirectUrl,$state = ,$appId = NULL){ $appId = is_null($appId) ? self::appId : $appId; $url = https://open.weixin.qq.com/connect/oauth2/authorize?appid= .$appId. redirect_uri= .$redirectUrl. response_type=code scope=snsapi_userinfo state= .$state. #wechat_redirect return $url; /**************************************************** * 微信OAUTH跳转指定URL ****************************************************/ public function wxHeader($url){ header( location: .$url); /**************************************************** * 微信通过OAUTH返回页面中获取AT信息 ****************************************************/ public function wxOauthAccessToken($code,$appId = NULL , $appSecret = NULL){ $appId = is_null($appId) ? self::appId : $appId; $appSecret = is_null($appSecret) ? self::appSecret : $appSecret; $url = https://api.weixin.qq.com/sns/oauth2/access_token?appid= .$appId. secret= .$appSecret. code= .$code. grant_type=authorization_code $result = $this- wxHttpsRequest($url); //print_r($result); $jsoninfo = json_decode($result, true); //$access_token = $jsoninfo[ access_token return $jsoninfo; /**************************************************** * 微信通过OAUTH的Access_Token的信息获取当前用户信息 // 只执行在snsapi_userinfo模式运行 ****************************************************/ public function wxOauthUser($OauthAT,$openId){ $url = https://api.weixin.qq.com/sns/userinfo?access_token= .$OauthAT. openid= .$openId. lang=zh_CN $result = $this- wxHttpsRequest($url); $jsoninfo = json_decode($result, true); return $jsoninfo; /**************************************************** * 创建自定义菜单 ****************************************************/ public function wxMenuCreate($jsonData){ $wxAccessToken = $this- wxAccessToken(); $url = https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/menu/create?access_token= . $wxAccessToken; $result = $this- wxHttpsRequest($url,$jsonData); $jsoninfo = json_decode($result, true); return $jsoninfo; /**************************************************** * 获取自定义菜单 ****************************************************/ public function wxMenuGet(){ $wxAccessToken = $this- wxAccessToken(); $url = https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/menu/get?access_token= . $wxAccessToken; $result = $this- wxHttpsRequest($url); $jsoninfo = json_decode($result, true); return $jsoninfo; /**************************************************** * 删除自定义菜单 ****************************************************/ public function wxMenuDelete(){ $wxAccessToken = $this- wxAccessToken(); $url = https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/menu/delete?access_token= . $wxAccessToken; $result = $this- wxHttpsRequest($url); $jsoninfo = json_decode($result, true); return $jsoninfo; /**************************************************** * 获取第三方自定义菜单 ****************************************************/ public function wxMenuGetInfo(){ $wxAccessToken = $this- wxAccessToken(); $url = https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/get_current_selfmenu_info?access_token= . $wxAccessToken; $result = $this- wxHttpsRequest($url); $jsoninfo = json_decode($result, true); return $jsoninfo; /***************************************************** * 生成随机字符串 - 最长为32位字符串 *****************************************************/ public function wxNonceStr($length = 16, $type = FALSE) { $chars = abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 $str = for ($i = 0; $i $length; $i++) { $str .= substr($chars, mt_rand(0, strlen($chars) - 1), 1); if($type == TRUE){ return strtoupper(md5(time() . $str)); else { return $str; /******************************************************* * 微信商户订单号 - 最长28位字符串 *******************************************************/ public function wxMchBillno($mchid = NULL) { if(is_null($mchid)){ if(self::mchid == || is_null(self::mchid)){ $mchid = time(); else{ $mchid = self::mchid; else{ $mchid = substr(addslashes($mchid),0,10); return date( Ymd ,time()).time().$mchid; /******************************************************* * 微信格式化数组变成参数格式 - 支持url加密 *******************************************************/ public function wxSetParam($parameters){ if(is_array($parameters) !empty($parameters)){ $this- parameters = $parameters; return $this- parameters; else{ return array(); /******************************************************* * 微信格式化数组变成参数格式 - 支持url加密 *******************************************************/ public function wxFormatArray($parameters = NULL, $urlencode = FALSE){ if(is_null($parameters)){ $parameters = $this- parameters; $restr = //初始化空 ksort($parameters);//排序参数 foreach ($parameters as $k = $v){//循环定制参数 if (null != $v null != $v sign != $k) { if($urlencode){//如果参数需要增加URL加密就增加,不需要则不需要 $v = urlencode($v); $restr .= $k . = . $v . //返回完整字符串 if (strlen($restr) 0) {//如果存在数据则将最后“ ”删除 $restr = substr($restr, 0, strlen($restr)-1); return $restr;//返回字符串 /******************************************************* * 微信MD5签名生成器 - 需要将参数数组转化成为字符串[wxFormatArray方法] *******************************************************/ public function wxMd5Sign($content, $privatekey){ try { if (is_null($privatekey)) { throw new Exception( 财付通签名key不能为空! if (is_null($content)) { throw new Exception( 财付通签名内容不能为空 $signStr = $content . key= . $privatekey; return strtoupper(md5($signStr)); catch (Exception $e) die($e- getMessage()); /******************************************************* * 微信Sha1签名生成器 - 需要将参数数组转化成为字符串[wxFormatArray方法] *******************************************************/ public function wxSha1Sign($content){ try { if (is_null($content)) { throw new Exception( 签名内容不能为空 //$signStr = $content; return sha1($content); catch (Exception $e) die($e- getMessage()); /******************************************************* * 微信jsApi整合方法 - 通过调用此方法获得jsapi数据 *******************************************************/ public function wxJsapiPackage(){ $jsapi_ticket = $this- wxJsApiTicket(); // 注意 URL 一定要动态获取,不能 hardcode. $protocol = (!empty($_SERVER[ #39;HTTPS #39;]) $_SERVER[ #39;HTTPS #39;] !== #39;off #39; || $_SERVER[ #39;SERVER_PORT #39;] == 443) ? https:// : http:// $url = $protocol.$_SERVER[ HTTP_HOST ].$_SERVER[ REQUEST_URI $timestamp = time(); $nonceStr = $this- wxNonceStr(); $signPackage = array( jsapi_ticket = $jsapi_ticket, nonceStr = $nonceStr, timestamp = $timestamp, url = $url // 这里参数的顺序要按照 key 值 ASCII 码升序排序 $rawString = jsapi_ticket=$jsapi_ticket noncestr=$nonceStr timestamp=$timestamp url=$url //$rawString = $this- wxFormatArray($signPackage); $signature = $this- wxSha1Sign($rawString); $signPackage[ #39;signature #39;] = $signature; $signPackage[ #39;rawString #39;] = $rawString; $signPackage[ #39;appId #39;] = self::appId; return $signPackage;/******************************************************* * 将数组解析XML - 微信红包接口 *******************************************************/ public function wxArrayToXml($parameters = NULL){ if(is_null($parameters)){ $parameters = $this- parameters; if(!is_array($parameters) || empty($parameters)){ die( 参数不为数组无法解析 $xml = xml foreach ($arr as $key= $val) if (is_numeric($val)) $xml.= .$key. .$val. / .$key. else $xml.= .$key. ![CDATA[ .$val. ]] / .$key. $xml.= /xml return $xml; /******************************************************* * 微信卡券:上传LOGO - 需要改写动态功能 *******************************************************/ public function wxCardUpdateImg() { $wxAccessToken = $this- wxAccessToken(); //$data[ #39;access_token #39;] = $wxAccessToken; $data[ #39;buffer #39;] = #39;@D:\\workspace\\htdocs\\yky_test\\logo.jpg #39;; $url = https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/media/uploadimg?access_token= .$wxAccessToken; $result = $this- wxHttpsRequest($url,$data); $jsoninfo = json_decode($result, true); return $jsoninfo; //array(1) { [ url ]= string(121) http://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz/ibuYxPHqeXePNTW4ATKyias1Cf3zTKiars9PFPzF1k5icvXD7xW0kXUAxHDzkEPd9micCMCN0dcTJfW6Tnm93MiaAfRQ/0 } /******************************************************* * 微信卡券:获取颜色 *******************************************************/ public function wxCardColor(){ $wxAccessToken = $this- wxAccessToken(); $url = https://api.weixin.qq.com/card/getcolors?access_token= .$wxAccessToken; $result = $this- wxHttpsRequest($url); $jsoninfo = json_decode($result, true); return $jsoninfo; /******************************************************* * 微信卡券:创建卡券 *******************************************************/ public function wxCardCreated($jsonData) { $wxAccessToken = $this- wxAccessToken(); $url = https://api.weixin.qq.com/card/create?access_token= . $wxAccessToken; $result = $this- wxHttpsRequest($url,$jsonData); $jsoninfo = json_decode($result, true); return $jsoninfo; /******************************************************* * 微信卡券:JSAPI 卡券Package - 基础参数没有附带任何值 - 再生产环境中需要根据实际情况进行修改 *******************************************************/ public function wxCardPackage($cardId){ $timestamp = time(); $api_ticket = $this- wxJsApiTicket(); $cardId = $cardId; $arrays = array($api_ticket,$timestamp,$cardId); sort($arrays); $string = sha1(implode( ,$arrays)); $resultArray[ #39;card_id #39;] = $cardId; $resultArray[ #39;card_ext #39;] = array(); $resultArray[ #39;card_ext #39;][ #39;openid #39;] = #39;oOmn4s9MiwqHSNNvPn0dBtU23toA #39;; $resultArray[ #39;card_ext #39;][ #39;timestamp #39;] = $timestamp; $resultArray[ #39;card_ext #39;][ #39;signature #39;] = $string; return $resultArray;
4. [代码]微信JSAPI
?php require_once #39;lib.inc.php #39;; $wx = new WxApi(); //通过网页获取openid //if(!isset($_GET[ #39;code #39;])){ // header( location:https://open.weixin.qq.com/connect/oauth2/authorize?appid= .WxApi::appId. redirect_uri=http:// .$_SERVER[ #39;SERVER_NAME #39;].$_SERVER[ #39;PHP_SELF #39;]. response_type=code scope=snsapi_base state=1#wechat_redirect //else{ // $CODE = $_GET[ #39;code #39;]; // $Info = $wx- wxOauthAccessToken($CODE); //print_r($Info); // $openId = $Info[ #39;openid #39;]; //////////////////////////////////////////// $signPackage = $wx- wxJsapiPackage(); //print_r($signPackage); $kqInfo = $wx- wxCardPackage( $listInfo = $wx- wxCardListPackage(); html head title JSAPI接口测试 /title meta charset= UTF-8 meta name= viewport content= width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0 script src= http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.2.min.js /script script src= http://res.wx.qq.com/open/js/jweixin-1.0.0.js /script /head body input type= button id= batchAddCard name= batchAddCard value= 添加卡券 / br / input type= button id= openCard name= openCard value= 拉起卡券库 / br / input type= button id= ShareTimeLine name= ShareTimeLine value= 分享朋友圈 / br / p id= showInfo script wx.config({ debug: false, appId: #39; ?php echo $signPackage[ appId ? #39;, timestamp: ?php echo $signPackage[ timestamp ? , nonceStr: #39; ?php echo $signPackage[ nonceStr ? #39;, signature: #39; ?php echo $signPackage[ signature ? #39;, jsApiList: [ // 所有要调用的 API 都要加到这个列表中 #39;onMenuShareTimeline #39;, #39;onMenuShareAppMessage #39;, #39;addCard #39;, #39;openCard #39; wx.ready(function () { // 在这里调用 API wx.onMenuShareAppMessage({ title: #39;互联网之子 #39;, desc: #39;在长大的过程中,我才慢慢发现,我身边的所有事,别人跟我说的所有事,那些所谓本来如此,注定如此的事,它们其实没有非得如此,事情是可以改变的。更重要的是,有些事既然错了,那就该做出改变。 #39;, link: #39;http://movie.douban.com/subject/25785114/ #39;, imgUrl: #39;http://demo.open.weixin.qq.com/jssdk/images/p2166127561.jpg #39;, trigger: function (res) { // 不要尝试在trigger中使用ajax异步请求修改本次分享的内容,因为客户端分享操作是一个同步操作,这时候使用ajax的回包会还没有返回 alert( #39;用户点击发送给朋友 #39;); success: function (res) { alert( #39;已分享 #39;); cancel: function (res) { alert( #39;已取消 #39;); fail: function (res) { alert(JSON.stringify(res)); document.querySelector( #39;#ShareTimeLine #39;).onclick = function () { wx.onMenuShareTimeline({ title: #39;互联网之子 #39;, link: #39;http://movie.douban.com/subject/25785114/ #39;, imgUrl: #39;http://demo.open.weixin.qq.com/jssdk/images/p2166127561.jpg #39;, trigger: function (res) { // 不要尝试在trigger中使用ajax异步请求修改本次分享的内容,因为客户端分享操作是一个同步操作,这时候使用ajax的回包会还没有返回 alert( #39;用户点击分享到朋友圈 #39;); success: function (res) { alert( #39;已分享 #39;); cancel: function (res) { alert( #39;已取消 #39;); fail: function (res) { alert(JSON.stringify(res)); document.querySelector( #39;#batchAddCard #39;).onclick = function () { wx.addCard({ cardList: [ cardId: #39;p7G0Cj_1HGF2nijO4sTlVTzawFhI #39;, cardExt: #39;{ timestamp : ?php echo $kqInfo[ #39;cardExt #39;][ #39;timestamp #39;];? , signature : ?php echo $kqInfo[ #39;cardExt #39;][ #39;signature #39;];? } #39; success: function (res) { var cardList = res.cardList; // 添加的卡券列表信息 alert(cardList); cancel: function (res) { alert( #39;已取消 #39;); fail: function (res) { alert(JSON.stringify(res)); var shareData = { title: #39;微信JS-SDK Demo #39;, desc: #39;微信JS-SDK,帮助第三方为用户提供更优质的移动web服务 #39;, link: #39;http://demo.open.weixin.qq.com/jssdk/ #39;, imgUrl: #39;http://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz/icTdbqWNOwNRt8Qia4lv7k3M9J1SKqKCImxJCt7j9rHYicKDI45jRPBxdzdyREWnk0ia0N5TMnMfth7SdxtzMvVgXg/0 #39; wx.onMenuShareAppMessage(shareData); wx.onMenuShareTimeline(shareData); var readyFunc = function onBridgeReady() { // 绑定关注事件 document.querySelector( #39;#openCard #39;).addEventListener( #39;click #39;, function(e) { WeixinJSBridge.invoke( #39;chooseCard #39;, { app_id : ?php echo $listInfo[ #39;app_id #39;]? , location_id : #39; #39;, sign_type : SHA1 , card_sign : ?php echo $listInfo[ #39;card_sign #39;]? , card_id : ?php echo $listInfo[ #39;card_id #39;]? , card_type : ?php echo $listInfo[ #39;card_type #39;]? , time_stamp : ?php echo $listInfo[ #39;time_stamp #39;]? , nonce_str : ?php echo $listInfo[ #39;nonce_str #39;]? function(res) { alert(res.err_msg + res.choose_card_info); $( #showInfo ).empty().append(res.err_msg + res.choose_card_info); if (typeof WeixinJSBridge === undefined ) { document.addEventListener( #39;WeixinJSBridgeReady #39;, readyFunc, false); } else { readyFunc(); /script /body /html
5. [代码]创建卡券
$kqinfo = array( card = array()); $kqinfo[ #39;card #39;][ #39;card_type #39;] = #39;GENERAL_COUPON #39;; $kqinfo[ #39;card #39;][ #39;general_coupon #39;] = array( #39;base_info #39; = array(), #39;default_detail #39; = array()); $kqinfo[ #39;card #39;][ #39;general_coupon #39;][ #39;base_info #39;][ #39;logo_url #39;] = #39;URL #39;; $kqinfo[ #39;card #39;][ #39;general_coupon #39;][ #39;base_info #39;][ #39;code_type #39;] = #39;CODE_TYPE_QRCODE #39;; $kqinfo[ #39;card #39;][ #39;general_coupon #39;][ #39;base_info #39;][ #39;brand_name #39;] = #39; #39;; $kqinfo[ #39;card #39;][ #39;general_coupon #39;][ #39;base_info #39;][ #39;title #39;] = #39;测试卡券 #39;; $kqinfo[ #39;card #39;][ #39;general_coupon #39;][ #39;base_info #39;][ #39;color #39;] = #39;Color030 #39;; $kqinfo[ #39;card #39;][ #39;general_coupon #39;][ #39;base_info #39;][ #39;notice #39;] = #39;测试测试测试 #39;; $kqinfo[ #39;card #39;][ #39;general_coupon #39;][ #39;base_info #39;][ #39;description #39;] = #39;这是一张优惠券 #39;; $kqinfo[ #39;card #39;][ #39;general_coupon #39;][ #39;base_info #39;][ #39;date_info #39;][ #39;type #39;] = 1; $kqinfo[ #39;card #39;][ #39;general_coupon #39;][ #39;base_info #39;][ #39;date_info #39;][ #39;begin_timestamp #39;] = time(); $kqinfo[ #39;card #39;][ #39;general_coupon #39;][ #39;base_info #39;][ #39;date_info #39;][ #39;end_timestamp #39;] = time() + 100 * 24 * 3600; $kqinfo[ #39;card #39;][ #39;general_coupon #39;][ #39;base_info #39;][ #39;sku #39;][ #39;quantity #39;] = 100000; $kqinfo[ #39;card #39;][ #39;general_coupon #39;][ #39;default_detail #39;] = #39;测试数据\n测试数据\n测试数据 #39;; //var_dump($kqinfo); //$kqinfo = json_encode($kqinfo); $kqinfo = C::enJson($kqinfo); //print_r( $kqinfo); //$resultData = $wx- wxCardCreated($kqinfo);
php Restful api 示例