本篇文章给大家带来的内容是关于小程序中多滑块的实现代码 ,有一定的参考价值,有需要的朋友可以参考一下,希望对你有所帮助。
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.sliderHCon { height: 250rpx; width: 100%; margin: auto; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; flex-direction: column; .MoneyValue { font-size: 30rpx; text-align: center; color: #999; margin-top: 15rpx; .showMoney text { margin-right: 30rpx; .twoSlider { width: 100%; height:100px; display: flex; flex-direction: row; justify-content: center; align-items: center; position: relative; .slider-left,.slider-right{position: absolute;left:0;right:0;} .slider-bg{position: absolute;top:50%;margin-top:-1px;left:0;width:100%;height:2px;background: blue;z-index: 9;}js
data: { blockSize:20, step:10, Min: 0, //最小值 Max: 1000, //最大值 leftValue: 0, //左边滑块默认值 rightValue: 1000, //右边滑块默认值 leftShowValue: 0, //界面显示左边滑块默认值 rightShowValue: 1000, //界面显示右边滑块默认值 leftWidth: #39;50 #39;, //左边滑块可滑动长度:百分比 rightWidth: #39;50 #39;, //右边滑块可滑动长度:百分比 sliderWidth:0, // slider的宽度; setSliderLeftX: 0, // 设置的sliderp的left setSliderWidthX: 0// 设置的sliderp的width onLoad(options) { var query = wx.createSelectorQuery(); // 如果是封装的组件的话,这边请注意写法不同哦; query.select( #39;.slider-left #39;).boundingClientRect((rect) = { this.setData({ sliderWidth: rect.width, setSliderLeftX: (rect.width / this.data.Max * this.data.leftValue) + this.data.blockSize/2 + #39;px #39;, setSliderWidthX: rect.width / this.data.Max * (this.data.rightValue - this.data.leftValue) - this.data.blockSize + #39;px #39;, }).exec(); // 左边滑块滑动的值 leftChange(e){ var that = this; that.setData({ leftValue: e.detail.value //设置左边当前值 this.setSliderBgColor(e, #39;left #39;); // 右边滑块滑动的值 rightChange: function (e) { var that = this; that.setData({ rightValue: e.detail.value, this.setSliderBgColor(e, #39;right #39;); setSliderBgColor(e, type){ if (type == #39;left #39;) { // 左边 if (this.data.leftValue this.data.rightValue) { console.log( #39;拖左不超右边 #39;); this.setData({ leftShowValue: e.detail.value, this.setData({ rightShowValue: this.data.rightValue, } else { console.log( #39;拖左超右边 #39;); this.setData({ leftShowValue: this.data.rightValue, this.setData({ rightShowValue: e.detail.value, } else { // 右边 if (this.data.leftValue this.data.rightValue) { console.log( #39;拖右不超右边 #39;); this.setData({ rightShowValue: e.detail.value, this.setData({ leftShowValue: this.data.leftValue, } else { console.log( #39;拖右超右边 #39;) this.setData({ leftShowValue: e.detail.value, this.setData({ rightShowValue: this.data.leftValue,if (v * (this.data.rightShowValue - this.data.leftShowValue) - this.data.blockSize = 0) { this.setData({ setSliderLeftX: (v * this.data.leftShowValue) + this.data.blockSize / 2 + #39;px #39;, setSliderWidthX: v * (this.data.rightShowValue - this.data.leftShowValue) - this.data.blockSize + #39;px #39;, // console.log(1) } else { this.setData({ setSliderLeftX: (v * this.data.leftShowValue) + this.data.blockSize / 2 + #39;px #39;, setSliderWidthX: 0 + #39;px #39;,
最佳 Windows 性能的顶级免费优化软件
每个人都需要一台速度更快、更稳定的 PC。随着时间的推移,垃圾文件、旧注册表数据和不必要的后台进程会占用资源并降低性能。幸运的是,许多工具可以让 Windows 保持平稳运行。