  1. 行业资讯
  2. 正文


来源:黔优媒体网   时间:2024-09-19

一 什么是emoji  



Emoji 全编码表:


 ?php include( #39;emoji.php #39;); # browser sniffing tells us that a docomo phone
 # submitted this text
 $clean_text = emoji_docomo_to_unified($_POST[message]); ... # now we want to show it in a desktop browser
 $html = emoji_unified_to_html($clean_text);? 


 方倍工作室 http://www.fangbei.org/
 CopyRight 2015 All Rights Reserved*/define( TOKEN , weixin $wechatObj = new wechatCallbackapiTest();if (!isset($_GET[ #39;echostr #39;])) { $wechatObj- responseMsg();
}else{ $wechatObj- valid();
}class wechatCallbackapiTest
{ //验证签名
 public function valid()
 { $echoStr = $_GET[ echostr $signature = $_GET[ signature $timestamp = $_GET[ timestamp $nonce = $_GET[ nonce $token = TOKEN; $tmpArr = array($token, $timestamp, $nonce); sort($tmpArr, SORT_STRING); $tmpStr = implode($tmpArr); $tmpStr = sha1($tmpStr); if($tmpStr == $signature){ header( #39;content-type:text #39;); echo $echoStr; exit;
 } //响应消息
 public function responseMsg()
 { $postStr = $GLOBALS[ HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA if (!empty($postStr)){ $this- logger( R \r\n .$postStr); $postObj = simplexml_load_string($postStr, #39;SimpleXMLElement #39;, LIBXML_NOCDATA); $RX_TYPE = trim($postObj- MsgType); 
 switch ($RX_TYPE)
 { case event : $result = $this- receiveEvent($postObj); break; case text : $result = $this- receiveText($postObj); break; 
 default: $result = unknown msg type: .$RX_TYPE; break;
 } $this- logger( T \r\n .$result); echo $result;
 }else { echo exit;
 } //接收事件消息
 private function receiveEvent($object)
 { $content = switch ($object- Event)
 { case subscribe : $content = 欢迎关注方倍工作室 break; case unsubscribe : $content = 取消关注 break; case CLICK : switch ($object- EventKey)
 { case COMPANY : $content = array(); $content[] = array( Title = 方倍工作室 , Description = , PicUrl = http://discuz.comli.com/weixin/weather/icon/cartoon.jpg , Url = http://m.cnblogs.com/?u=txw1958 break; default: $content = 点击菜单: .$object- EventKey; break;
 } break; default: $content = receive a new event: .$object- Event; break;
 } if(is_array($content)){ if (isset($content[0][ #39;PicUrl #39;])){ $result = $this- transmitNews($object, $content);
 }else if (isset($content[ #39;MusicUrl #39;])){ $result = $this- transmitMusic($object, $content);
 }else{ $result = $this- transmitText($object, $content);
 } return $result;
 } //接收文本消息
 private function receiveText($object)
 { $keyword = trim($object- Content); //多客服人工回复模式
 if (strstr($keyword, 请问在吗 ) || strstr($keyword, 在线客服 )){ $result = $this- transmitService($object); return $result;
 } //自动回复模式
 if (strstr($keyword, 文本 )){ $content = 这是个文本消息 
 }else if (strstr($keyword, 表情 )){ $content = 中国: .$this- bytes_to_emoji(0x1F1E8).$this- bytes_to_emoji(0x1F1F3). \n仙人掌: .$this- bytes_to_emoji(0x1F335);
 }else if (strstr($keyword, 单图文 )){ $content = array(); $content[] = array( Title = 单图文标题 , Description = 单图文内容 , PicUrl = http://discuz.comli.com/weixin/weather/icon/cartoon.jpg , Url = http://m.cnblogs.com/?u=txw1958 
 }else if (strstr($keyword, 图文 ) || strstr($keyword, 多图文 )){ $content = array(); $content[] = array( Title = 多图文1标题 , Description = , PicUrl = http://discuz.comli.com/weixin/weather/icon/cartoon.jpg , Url = http://m.cnblogs.com/?u=txw1958 $content[] = array( Title = 多图文2标题 , Description = , PicUrl = http://d.hiphotos.bdimg.com/wisegame/pic/item/f3529822720e0cf3ac9f1ada0846f21fbe09aaa3.jpg , Url = http://m.cnblogs.com/?u=txw1958 $content[] = array( Title = 多图文3标题 , Description = , PicUrl = http://g.hiphotos.bdimg.com/wisegame/pic/item/18cb0a46f21fbe090d338acc6a600c338644adfd.jpg , Url = http://m.cnblogs.com/?u=txw1958 
 }else if (strstr($keyword, 音乐 )){ $content = array(); $content = array( Title = 最炫民族风 , Description = 歌手:凤凰传奇 , MusicUrl = , HQMusicUrl = 
 }else{ $content = date( Y-m-d H:i:s ,time()). \nOpenID: .$object- FromUserName. \n技术支持 方倍工作室 // $content = } if(is_array($content)){ if (isset($content[0])){ $result = $this- transmitNews($object, $content);
 }else if (isset($content[ #39;MusicUrl #39;])){ $result = $this- transmitMusic($object, $content);
 }else{ $result = $this- transmitText($object, $content);
 } return $result;
 } //回复文本消息
 private function transmitText($object, $content)
 { if (!isset($content) || empty($content)){ return 
 } $xmlTpl = xml 
 ToUserName ![CDATA[%s]] /ToUserName 
 FromUserName ![CDATA[%s]] /FromUserName 
 CreateTime %s /CreateTime 
 MsgType ![CDATA[text]] /MsgType 
 Content ![CDATA[%s]] /Content 
 /xml $result = sprintf($xmlTpl, $object- FromUserName, $object- ToUserName, time(), $content); return $result;
 } //回复图文消息
 private function transmitNews($object, $newsArray)
 { if(!is_array($newsArray)){ return 
 } $itemTpl = item 
 Title ![CDATA[%s]] /Title 
 Description ![CDATA[%s]] /Description 
 PicUrl ![CDATA[%s]] /PicUrl 
 Url ![CDATA[%s]] /Url 
 /item $item_str = foreach ($newsArray as $item){ $item_str .= sprintf($itemTpl, $item[ #39;Title #39;], $item[ #39;Description #39;], $item[ #39;PicUrl #39;], $item[ #39;Url #39;]);
 } $xmlTpl = xml 
 ToUserName ![CDATA[%s]] /ToUserName 
 FromUserName ![CDATA[%s]] /FromUserName 
 CreateTime %s /CreateTime 
 MsgType ![CDATA[news]] /MsgType 
 ArticleCount %s /ArticleCount 
 Articles $item_str /Articles 
 /xml $result = sprintf($xmlTpl, $object- FromUserName, $object- ToUserName, time(), count($newsArray)); return $result;
 } //回复音乐消息
 private function transmitMusic($object, $musicArray)
 { if(!is_array($musicArray)){ return 
 } $itemTpl = Music 
 Title ![CDATA[%s]] /Title 
 Description ![CDATA[%s]] /Description 
 MusicUrl ![CDATA[%s]] /MusicUrl 
 HQMusicUrl ![CDATA[%s]] /HQMusicUrl 
 /Music $item_str = sprintf($itemTpl, $musicArray[ #39;Title #39;], $musicArray[ #39;Description #39;], $musicArray[ #39;MusicUrl #39;], $musicArray[ #39;HQMusicUrl #39;]); $xmlTpl = xml 
 ToUserName ![CDATA[%s]] /ToUserName 
 FromUserName ![CDATA[%s]] /FromUserName 
 CreateTime %s /CreateTime 
 MsgType ![CDATA[music]] /MsgType $item_str /xml $result = sprintf($xmlTpl, $object- FromUserName, $object- ToUserName, time()); return $result;
 } //字节转Emoji表情
 function bytes_to_emoji($cp)
 { if ($cp 0x10000){ # 4 bytes
 return chr(0xF0 | (($cp 0x1C0000) 18)).chr(0x80 | (($cp 0x3F000) 12)).chr(0x80 | (($cp 0xFC0) 6)).chr(0x80 | ($cp 0x3F));
 }else if ($cp 0x800){ # 3 bytes
 return chr(0xE0 | (($cp 0xF000) 12)).chr(0x80 | (($cp 0xFC0) 6)).chr(0x80 | ($cp 0x3F));
 }else if ($cp 0x80){ # 2 bytes
 return chr(0xC0 | (($cp 0x7C0) 6)).chr(0x80 | ($cp 0x3F));
 }else{ # 1 byte
 return chr($cp);
 } //日志记录
 private function logger($log_content)
 { if(isset($_SERVER[ #39;HTTP_APPNAME #39;])){ //SAE
 }else if($_SERVER[ #39;REMOTE_ADDR #39;] != ){ //LOCAL
 $max_size = 1000000; $log_filename = log.xml if(file_exists($log_filename) and (abs(filesize($log_filename)) $max_size)){unlink($log_filename);} file_put_contents($log_filename, date( #39;Y-m-d H:i:s #39;). .$log_content. \r\n , FILE_APPEND);


 1. 特别推荐:“php程序员工具箱”V0.1版本下载

2. 微信公众号平台源码下载

3. 阿狸子订单系统源码下载




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